Client Registry Process Flows:
Registration Business Process
Use Case 1: Registering a New Patient
Registration of a new patient that does not exist in the facility based SHR.
Pre- conditions
- Patient doesn’t exist in the shared health record
- New Patient in Clinic
- Not Registered in either EMR
Post Conditions
- Patient is registered in the EMR
- Patient exits in SHR
- SHR generated ID is stored with the patient record in EMR
Process Flow:
- Search Patient Record in either EMR or Shared Health Record.
- Register Patient Record in EMR.
- Post Patient Record in the Shared Health Record.
- Update Patient Record in EMR with Unique Identifier from the Shared Health Record.
Use Case 2: Patient Record Exists in Client Registry Not in EMR
The Patient record exists in the client registry and not in the EMR
Pre- conditions
- Patient exists in the client registry
- Patient does not exist in the searching EMR
Post Conditions
- The client registry returns the patient searched value
- Patient Record is displayed in the searching EMR window
Process Flow:
- Search Patient Record in the Client registry
- Retrieve Patient Record from the client registry.
- Register Patient Record in the EMR with Unique Identifier from the client registry.
Use Case 3: Patient Exists in client registry and EMR
Pre conditions
- Patient Record exists in the client registry
- Patient Record exists in both EMR
Post Conditions
- Patient Record exists in both client registry and EMR
Process Flow:
- Search Patient Record in the client registry.
- Display Patient Record.
Use Case 4: Patient Demographics Change
Pre conditions
- xxx
Post Conditions
- xxxx
Process Flow:
- xxxx
Test Cases:
Case 1: Registration of new patient record in EMR from client registry
1.Start: Create a new patient record in EMR 2. EMR searches patient record in Client Registry 2. EMR pushes patient record to the client registry 3. End: EMR registers the retrieved patient record in its local database with the unique identifier generated from the client registry